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1 min read

The first of the month is a good time to note down this little trick for spreadsheets:


This is useful in the solar generation spreadsheet I run, since it sums in column C only when there’s a value in column B; the near–OCD spreadsheet has running calculations in place that make this better than daily editing of the total at the monthly termini in column C (itself a collection of differences).

e.g. C1543 : `=B1543-B1542`

16/04/2018, 18:50

1 min read

Testing [my idea]( appears to have stopped posts syndicating 🤔


1 min read

Masochism: n. attempting to fix the issue you yourself filed earlier in the day.

String variable manipulation in a bash script to feed the -F parts to its curl call.

Struggling to translate a single -F, say the body text, to a reference to $F without spaces ruining it for me…

13/02/2018, 18:20

1 min read

Via one of my namesakes on T: [Google’s Guinea–Pig City](, I’m surprised [@macgenie]( hasn’t posted about it yet, however tenuous the link to small mammals… :o)

13/02/2018, 13:25

1 min read

Other 📚 reading;

_Wind turbine syndrome: a communicated disease_ by Simon Chapman and Fiona Crichton, [Sydney University Press](💨

13/02/2018, 10:00

1 min read


Ostatnią godzinę przepływu energii elektrycznej 37% 🔋

( if @cn_solar posted to a [micro] blog )

12/02/2018, 21:45

1 min read

Last night’s 📚 reading;

Continued both _Captain Blood_ ☠️, and _The Graveyard Heart_.

Started _Second Landing_ by Murray Leinster from _The Third Science Fiction Megapack_.

11/02/2018, 22:00

1 min read

Last night’s 📚 reading;

Started _The Graveyard Heart_ by Roger Zelazny,

Started Chapter XXII of ☠️ _Captain Blood_ by Rafael Sabatini.