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Thirty–four minutes until nerds at noon.

Adverse weather could mean few are averse to an inverse of the perverse, or is it the reverse?, is this verse?, (or worse?) Microblog*ember

I’m sure there’s a knack to using knock in a post for Microblog*ember

25 minutes until 🧠 brain–stretching time

My Microblog*ember posts have originated from several feeds—so may, or may not trigger the pin 📌 with ease 🤪

We’re getting to the point in Autumn/winter where the weather can turn horrible; Microblogcember another portmanteau neologism 🙃

Some of the _random_ words for Microblogvember have been hard to **integrate** into a post mbnov

One’s domain name isn’t strictly one’s property, you merely rent it at the internet’s discretion 🤔

Microblogvember mbnov

If I was a rich man, I wouldn’t think twice about buying a resin 3D printer 🤔 Microblogvember mbnov